Since 2007, DK has been helping private and public sector companies and organizations respond to (and issue) RFx, develop policies and procedures to meet regulatory requirements, document their IT and business processes, and retain institutional knowledge.
Helping companies and organizations respond to and develop the right RFx
RFx responses: With 50+ years of combined experience in writing, responding, and evaluating, we KNOW what makes RFPs effective. At DK, we combine our insights and skills to help your company chart its RFP strategy. We’re proud to help our clients shape and improve and grow their business.
RFx development: We KNOW the pain that vendors experience when responding to RFx, and we write RFx that are easy to understand and attract the right vendor.
Public sector procurement policies: We help our public sector clients identify, document, and enhance their internal procurement policies. Vendor Management is a core area of expertise. We KNOW public sector procurement.

Helping companies retain their tacit and implicit knowledge
Tacit knowledge: We work with our clients to identify knowledge that IS NOT formally captured in some way, knowledge that has not been made explicit but could have been, knowledge held by people but not recorded, and knowledge thought to be not important enough to record but crucial.
Implicit knowledge: We work with our clients to identify, capture, evaluate, retrieve, and share all of an enterprise's information assets that ARE formally captured in content management systems.

Helping companies and organizations write documents for regulatory compliance and governance
Just documents: Project Charters, BRDs, traceability Matrices, User Profiles, Business Plans, White Papers, Reports, Policies, Procedures, etc. etc. etc.

Does your company need our services? Message us today.