In today’s blog, I would like to talk about why it’s important to compare the evaluation scoring against the rated requirements listed in the RFP. They may be different, but they are equally important when it comes to completing a response.
We all know that the RFP will list the rated requirements. Most respondents focus on the rated requirements when supplying content for those items…but this may mean they are missing the opportunity to achieve a higher score.
When you review the RFP, you should compare the rated requirements section against the RFP’s evaluation matrix. The evaluation matrix will give the respondents the direction of what is critical, indicated by the scoring (points). It may also indicate that the evaluators are looking for a different or extra set of requirements not listed in the rated requirements.
For example, I have seen evaluation matrices state that points will be given for experience that is specific to one area of the project, however the rated requirements only ask for general experience. I have also seen matrices indicate points for requirements not listed in the rated requirements. This can happen if the people putting the RFP together are in a hurry to get the RFP out and they missed this discrepancy, or it can be because someone cut and pasted from an older RFP and did not check the document before issuing.
Regardless, unless there is an addendum with a clarification on what the ask is, you should work in elements from both sections of the RFP. If you consider both sections of the RFP, you most likely will get a better score.
So, why miss out on points when you have an easy way to maximize your score… spend the time and score the points.